


Qingdao Win Import and Export Co.還開, Ltd. is a comprehensive company f拍聽ocusing on import and export trade. Th門兵e company was formerly known as Weifan日白g Wayne International Trade 女為Co., Ltd., established in 2010, 藍木focusing on import a農林nd export business fo麗算r more than ten years, and the compan友音y's strategy in 2020裡我 The adjustment and esta務間blishment of Qingdao Wayne Impo司近rt and Export Co., Ltd. is located i微湖n the beautiful port city of Qin呢廠gdao. The company's addres服女s is in the Qingdao Bonde物件d Port Zone. The zone enjoys th著很e policy of "exemption of license,暗業 tax exemption and bon樂些ded". It is a highly open 從術and flexible operation 到唱in mainland China. One of the open話行 areas with preferential p分一olicies.

Win Import and Export

WIN Strength

WIN International Group, u工去nder the jurisdiction of Qingdao Wayne 藍紅Import and Export Co., Ltd., Shando懂空ng Yingfei Agricultural Technology Co年錢., Ltd., Jiangxi Yingfei Agric們妹ultural Technology Co., 慢農Ltd., Jiangxi Base Park, Barbella 農拿Winery, etc. Chemical fert身內ilizer and agricultural product坐科s are mainly involved聽廠, and also involved in the i美北mport and export business商從 of red wine, beer, sunflower o訊嗎il, olive oil, food, dairy products, 區農machinery and electronic p年火roducts.

We have an after-sales servi鄉新ce team to provide users with comprehe購是nsive support. We will conti厭她nue to introduce plant nutrition produc森車ts and business philosophy,老有 and strive to make China's plant裡姐 nutrition and plant protecti吃農on industry develop healt音快hily. We are willing to cooperate什村 sincerely with the vast number of re中制gional agents to joi村工ntly bring excellent p冷人roducts to users.

The company's suppliers在銀 are all over the world. The main pa廠森rtners are Italy ADRIATICA S.P就關.A, Belgium SICO, Belgium Triferto Bel國還gium NV, Israel Haifa Chemicals Ltd.,匠坐 Korea Dong yang industry CO., LTD.坐訊 Korea NOUSBO CO., LT裡外D, etc.,

The company participates in ma銀微ny international agricultural exhibitio腦雪ns every year, adhering t作會o the principle of the best quality習你, and constantly discoverin費靜g the latest and best comp紅雜anies to serve our c快筆ustomers.

WININTERNATIONAL—Focus on厭師 high-end quality

Win victory win gain用去 victory

We do not produce fertiliz在個er, but we are a global fertiliz離會er porter!


Founded in 2010


Base more than 500 acres


More than 8 types of 坐件business


Suppliers in 6 countries and regions a師都round the world


WIN International Group,高農 under the jurisdiction of Q讀用ingdao Wayne Import and Export 理也Co., Ltd., Shandong Yin老生gfei Agricultural Technology要計 Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Yingfei Agricu務車ltural Technology Co., Ltd., Jia鐵志ngxi Base Park, Barbella Winery友制 and other companies外南, involves a wide range通章 of businesses mainly importing an理兵d exporting fertilizers , Mainly pes兒爸ticides, but also invol一懂ved in the import and export of對內 red wine, olive oil, food樹書, dairy products, machinery and e藍秒lectronic products.


Establishment of a capital company請習

Qingdao Wayne Import 女火and Export Co., Ltd. (formerly kn區山own as Weifang Wayne Internatio開請nal Trade Co., Ltd.), the在去 company was establi日輛shed in 2010, is the earli火媽est batch of agrochem遠紙ical companies that import im麗物ported fertilizers and pesticides, 火市the company aims to bring togethe北匠r high-end technology and s事說ervices China's agricultur到山al development!

Qingdao WIN Import and Exp關喝ort Co., Ltd.

Founded in 2010, it is the earliest bat日謝ch of domestic agrochemi村睡cal companies that import制校 imported fertilizers and pesticides市可. The company aims to brin新科g together high-end technologies from農答 all over the world to serve China制道's agricultural development!



Reorganization of Shengzi Company 雨家to establish Shandong Yingfei 雪新Agricultural Technology Co.購事, Ltd.

Shandong Yingfei Agri紙少cultural Technology Co., Ltd. has 14 di懂生rect stores and more 靜工than 300 chain stores, which can cov資和er about 100,000 greenhouses. Relying o雪通n a professional service team 技山and management chann畫商els, it provides agricultu舊通ral guidance and high quality 放近for greenhouse farmers. Fertilizer 弟自pesticides.

Established Barbella Winery

Barbella Winery mainly im美月ports Italian original bottles 明內of original red wine 市草and Spanish beer, all im弟船ported through the Group Import and E白影xport Trading Company. In rece物姐nt years, it has actively part暗黑icipated in the industry's wine 熱高exhibitions and has formed a又農 certain influence.



Jiangxi Yingfei Agricultural Techno光人logy Co., Ltd. was establish腦拍ed

Jiangxi Yingfei Agricultural Scien做相ce and Technology Co., Ltd技好. is an enterprise spe請畫cializing in serving Jiangx媽黃i agriculture in the p嗎下ast.

Qingdao Win Import and Expor懂可t Co., Ltd.

ADD: No. 45, Beijing Road訊日, Qianwan Free Trade子舊 Zone, Qingdao

Email:[email protected]


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